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YouTube Tarot Readings Can Do More Harm Than Good

Laurel Brook Lujan

20 mars 2023

Instead of calling a friend, or a therapist, YouTube comes with many options such as online tarot readings. Tarot reading channels are used when a person is needing a new perspective-advice from someone they don’t know.

When feeling anxious, down, or depressed we can be desperate for answers that seem so far out of reach.

Instead of calling a friend, or a therapist, YouTube comes with many options such as online tarot readings. Tarot reading channels are used when a person is needing a new perspective-advice from someone they don’t know. Yet the same time the reading is a general one that is listened to by thousands of people who more than likely to believe in it. What are the chances the readings are 100% accurate if the reader is reading for such a large audience?

It may not be a literal one on one session but it sure can feel like it when you need much needed guidance or possible relief to possibly hear what you want to hear. At the same time, are the readings doing much good if in a negative state?


All Love & Light?

Currently, on social media there’s the philosophy that if people want good things to happen to them, they must stay positive. Have a negative thought? Turn it into a positive one. Have a bad day? Count your blessings!  Break your leg or lost your house…someone has it worse…


Or Toxic Nancys Shoving Toxic Positivity down our throats?

There is nothing wrong with staying positive but there must be some type of discernment and logic to use and acknowledge that something is wrong. Toxic positivity can be dangerous, it is the blind leading the blind. Without addressing the elephant in the room, dilemmas can go from bad to horrible. This can be applied to YouTube Tarot Reading Channels.


Basing your “Needs” or “Decisions” on Fear

Let’s face it. When emotions like fear are generating anxiety and depression in the body, the best decisions aren’t always made. Finding an online YouTube reading channel for a topic you want an answer to seem to make sense at the time. It sounds strange but YouTube has literally almost anything for people to watch. Tarot and divination readings are just one of them.


How it works

Type in the search bar, ‘Tarot reading love,’ for example and thousands of results will show up. Click the one that seems interesting, and chances are the reader will have an intro and then ask you to pick from the three piles presented.

Once you pick one, let the reading begin. It can be fun to watch but when you’re not in the right place emotionally the answers may not seem any better. Sometimes when listening to a reading, people will nitpick though the stuff they want to hear and not the possible things they need to hear. On top of everything, again- how accurate can these readings be if they aren’t the personal one-on-one sessions. Energy is everything- investing in an actual session with a reader you trust and like is worth it.

One professional taropist and tarot reader Ashley Forbes of Texas admits that she did this herself.

"(I was) Realizing that it was toxic spirituality," she recalls. "Because it's like a drug when you're experiencing what resonates with you where no one else does or no one else understands or no one else gets it. I used to barricade myself in the car and just listen and go through videos for anything related to me. And that is what you do when you're depressed, and you are just trying to fill that void."

Forbes decided to do the healing and the true shadow work to get past her demons and to become a healthier version of herself which meant facing the aspects of herself she didn’t like.

True healing is not nitpicking answers and only following the love and light aspect. It is also about embracing the darkness and the unknown, the hidden traumas to aid in slowing down the anxiety, depression, and triggers.

A Grain of Salt…

   If a person feels that these readings work for them great. If anyone only feels anxiety and dread after an online YouTube reading, take it with a grain of salt and pause looking into more videos. Look into yourself more. Any

YouTube reading should be taken with a grain of salt whether or not the audience believes the readings are accurate.

Readings are supposed to guide yet the better ones are done individually by booking with physical readers who take the time to read your energies and work with your personal spirits.

It is all fun and games to pick those YouTube readings called, “What makes you so sexy?” or “What are their late-night thoughts about you?” Again, don’t lean into it heavily and try not to do any tarot readings-YouTube or not in a cloudy mood. Feeding into something when not feeling your best isn’t the best decision. Even the YouTube tarot readers themselves will caution their viewers at the beginning of the readings saying that if their readings only upset them, then it’s best to take a break by clicking off.

Take your time and move forward into true healing by finding an actual tarot reader or therapist/counselor. It may do you good to put you on the right path.

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