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My name is Laurel

Delve into these daily magickal rituals that can help elevate your life. Whether it's a simple guide article or simple spells to follow, I know they will be beneficial to your life. Besides tarot, studying these wonders gives me the inspiration to share.

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Latest News

22 juil. 2024

Knitting and Crocheting your Spells

There’s the traditional way of gathering your ingredients, tools and preparing your ritual of choice. And then there’s the other way; infusing your favorite hobby or craft with your magical intentions via crochet or knitting.

Knitting and Crocheting your Spells

24 févr. 2024

Quick Fix Paper Spells

Sometimes we all need a quick fix. Why not use pens and paper to help?

Quick Fix Paper Spells

10 août 2023

How to Pick the Right Tarot Deck

There's an old wives' tale that you should be gifted tarot cards not to buy them for yourself but not everyone has a special friend or family member that will give us a deck, so go ahead and purchase your own.

How to Pick the Right Tarot Deck

20 juil. 2023

How to Build the Right Altar for You

Altar: (n.) a place for sacred offerings; the front of a church or focus of any place of worship

Shrine: (n.) a sacred place, a place of worship, a site or structure respected for its importance; a memorial dedicated to a person, event, ect.

How to Build the Right Altar for You

24 juin 2023

Enchanting Your Cosmetics

Have a favorite lotion lavender lotion? Use it for calming and self-love or romantic attraction. Have a favorite lipstick or contour, make it a money magnet. Even your favorite bar of soap that is made with honey will attract love and beauty into your life; try it.

Enchanting Your Cosmetics
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