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Dreaming for a Better You

By Claire Ottewell

18 sept. 2023

Lucid dreaming is becoming aware, whilst you are dreaming and taking control of it-dream mastery.

*This article was originally posted on Claire Ottewell’s Oily Witch blog. This is an updated version, enjoy.

Self-Health Share

Today, I was given the opportunity to learn more about Lucid Dreaming and what I learned was definitely worth sharing with my self-health audience.

I’d heard of Lucid Dreaming but hadn’t really internalized what it is and how it can be used to heal until today.

I am a super fan of self-health, anything we can do to and for ourselves, and this is a perfect example of just that. The brilliance of it is that it is a free tool, and anyone can do it because everyone dreams and can be trained. #fullyaccessible

What is Lucid Dreaming?

Lucid dreaming is becoming aware, whilst you are dreaming and taking control of it-dream mastery.

By accessing your subconscious mind in this way, you will discover exactly what is going on inside your own head and potentially save yourself a fortune in therapy!

Endless Potential

It’s fun because this is a world of infinite possibilities, the rules of the waking world do not apply, and you can make anything you want to happen take place.

Yes, you may choose to start off by manifesting your wildest fantasies but once you’ve achieved all of those, this becomes a safe and perfect space to heal all your wounds and help you to achieve your best life.

The part of your mind that creates your dreams is directly aligned to your Higher Self, or as Lucid Dream expert Charlie Morley calls it, the Dreamer. The term Dreamer helps us think of it as a being in terms of learning to work with it.

Lucid Dreaming Uses

When you Lucid Dream, you create synchronicity in the real world, it leads to physical manifestations. This is electromagnet radiation in practice; we’re made of energy; we attract what we transmit.

Lucid Dreaming is used to cure Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) according to the Ministry of Defense expert Charlie Morley. It’s used to treat nightmares, addictions, abuse and just about anything that is not serving wellbeing.

The reason this sleep technique aids healing is due to the Rapid Eye Movement State (REM) evolving for us, it aids in integrating trauma to heal. The Lucid Dreaming you’re accessing this process and working with yourself to resolve it.

Health & Safety

Your Higher Self or Dreamer treads lightly to keep you safe. Think about that part of your mind that stops you from reliving your trauma whilst you’re awake; it’s making a relationship with that part of you.

Safety Tips

If, anything or anyone scary pitches up, you’re supposed to embrace it with love and acceptance. This is the same rule with any healing, come with love and compassion and it will chase away and dissolve the shadows.

How do you do it?

Charley talks about four key stages of Lucid Dreaming which he is now teaching on the fabulous Mind Valley and right now is giving a free workshop to introduce his full 30-day program. It ends this Sunday 28th February 2021 so get in there! (This Date has passed.)

Step 1

Recalling Dreams - you need to be able to remember your dreams and a lot of us can’t push this belief we just don’t dream.

Just as you feel yourself slipping into the dream state, you need to set the intention for recall. Charley recommends chanting “Tonight I will remember my dreams, I have excellent dream recall”, 21 times.

It may take a couple of nights to work but it will work.

Step 2

Keep a dream diary - this gives you insight into your internal mind-scape, knowledge of what you are actually dreaming about and simultaneously lets your Higher Self know you are engaging with it.

Step 3

Dream Signs - By following Step 2, you can recognize patterns and signs that tell you are in your dream world. Because our dreams are so real, we are out of touch with our ability to wake up and master them. Apparently, we have this gift from birth, we just lose touch with it, so Lucid Dreaming is a re-connect.

Here you are looking for things out of the ordinary waking world you live in right now.

Step 4

Dream Plan - All you need now is a plan, an intention you wish to achieve from the dream. This could be ending an addiction or bad relationship with yourself or another, healing an injury or past trauma. Just know what you seek, then write it out in detail, flesh it out by making it 3D or draw it.

And finally, create a call to action, what you’re going to call out once you find yourself consciously in your dream. That could be something like “heal my back injury” or “Inner child come forward” or “show me who I am” or “Show me what career I want”. It really can be anything but it has to be active.

Lucid Dreaming Tools to Purchase & More


There are various Essential Oils that I can recommend to stimulate this process and your memory: Rosemary, Lavender, Melissa, Sweet Marjoram and Vetiver. All of which I sell, please contact me for prices and to order.

In terms of dream herbs, here I recommend Mugwort, Hops, Valerian, Lavender and Passionflower. I can make you up a brew.

Let me Know

And, let me know how you get on in the comments box. I will be trying this tonight, it’s more than high time I took care of some of those emotional blockages.

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