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Knitting and Crocheting your Spells

Laurel Brook Lujan

22 juil. 2024

There’s the traditional way of gathering your ingredients, tools and preparing your ritual of choice. And then there’s the other way; infusing your favorite hobby or craft with your magical intentions via crochet or knitting.

When conducting spell work and manifestations we know there are many ways to do it. There’s the traditional way of gathering your ingredients, tools and preparing your ritual of choice. And then there’s the other way; infusing your favorite hobby or craft with your magical intentions via crochet or knitting.

   As a knitter and crocheter, I have the habit of interweaving my pieces with magick when I am creating something for myself or others as a gift. As a practitioner, I enjoy practicing witchcraft through other means which are more creative. Inserting my energy and intentions is the preferred way to go, especially when I know it will be used almost every day created with love, care and my personalized design. How is it done?

   Last year I created a short blanket. When I first started, I lovingly picked out the colors- the first intention was making sure they represented the seasons somehow since I wanted all the positive attributes of the four seasons.

Even the number of colors I choose to utilize have an intention. The number of colors and the number of rows for each color in my opinion is separate when thinking about an angel number or numerology. Next, I focused on the design. Ever heard of angel numbers or numerology? I decided each color will also represent a number of what I desired. What also influenced the picking of the numbers is how much yarn I had and what felt right in my soul. After, I reorder everything such as-Which color will go first, second and so on? How many rows are for each section of colors? What do the numbers mean when they are combined and in what order do I deem them to be?


For example, the colors I can pick for a blanket are a lush green, a light grey and matching shade of orange. My intention is to have my business grow healthily (green), have continuous business ideas and to be grounded as I conduct my business (orange) and the grey is to be guided by my ancestors in a positive way. Next, I decided to go with the numbers 357.

  • Green yarn: 3 rows

  • Light Grey yarn: 5 rows

  • Orange yarn: 7 rows

As an angel number according to, 357 means, “It might be a sign that the angels are trying to communicate with you. This could mean that you're on the right path in your life journey, or that you need to pay attention to your intuition and trust in yourself. Seeing this number repeatedly could also be a message to be open to new opportunities and embrace change.”

But as a manifestation number, it can also mean, “If you focus your thoughts and energies on your desires or goals, you're more likely to see them manifest in your life. The number 357 is believed to be a reminder to keep a positive mindset and visualize your dreams so they can come true.”

   With the combination of the colors and numbers of what I want to spell cast, it makes the blanket and intention much stronger. As you create your project, focus on your intentions, and imagine what you’d like. When you’re done, end it with a blessing or your chosen chant as you place it in a place you’d like to use it. The cool thing about interweaving magick into your projects is that the possibilities are endless.

There are even the possibilities of using the interviewing of magick for hexing and other types of spellcasting but be careful on how you go about it.

   According to Dorothy Morrison’s “Utterly Wicked: Hexes, Curses and Other Unsavory Notions”, hexing or curses can be done utilizing the creation of a quilt and various types of stitches and designs. She explains that the reason quilts are perfect is due to this, “Some practitioners define magic as the change of any condition by ritual means, and the quilt definitely meets those terms.”

Morrison further illustrates that for any magick to work energy and emotion is needed as well:

“Everything that someone touches carries their invisible mark, their energy, and their vibration. And nothing, during its creation, is handled or touched more than a quilt. Every stitch carries  the thought processes, attitudes, and emotional content of its maker…and it’s those things that make it magical.”

   Morrison gives the example of using numbers specifically number 9 since it’s one of the oldest type of spell work for quilts. She calls it the nine-patch square quilt that with its specific number is associated with wishes and success which aids in manifestation of intent and wishes. Three rows of  three squares each that equal to number 9. Morrison takes it a step further illustrating that using the square as the shape in curses is due to the “symbolism- balance between the right-and left-hand paths, the Elements, primary directions…it can also be used to box your target in with whatever you’ve manifested.”

   I believe what she wrote is informative and great for those who desire to do this and to push what their intentions are. Lastly as I said previously, the stitches and design can take the intentions further. Some stitches listed in her book can cause misery, destroy focus, or even help a lover to stay faithful. Very clever indeed of how it all can be done.

   Overall, using your hobbies and crafts for manifestations and intentions is a beautiful and personal way to make your magick come alive. Whether it’s good or bad, putting your personal energy into a project will go a long way, especially with the time and thoughts invested into it. Try it and let me know.


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