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How to Build the Right Altar for You

Laurel Brook Lujan

20 juil. 2023

Altar: (n.) a place for sacred offerings; the front of a church or focus of any place of worship

Shrine: (n.) a sacred place, a place of worship, a site or structure respected for its importance; a memorial dedicated to a person, event, ect.

What do you value most in your life? What represents these priorities if you had to pick a small item to represent it?

Altars and shrines come in many shapes and sizes. But sometimes we do not know these specially selected items are dedications to our lives until we study them and acknowledge these made spots are dedicated to it.


In Christianity, an altar is in the front of the church and on the side filled with candles and saints. In a home-a cross, a prayer card and perhaps a picture of Jesus is present on the mantle along with pictures of the family.

For someone who identifies as pagan, an altar can literally be a corner dedicated to their deity, Ancestors, Spirit guides or Angels. Or if hidden in plain sight it is a corner or part of the house that is holds random things possibly amongst plants, rocks, or special figurines.

These items do not need to be seen as literally spiritual or religious.

These dedications happen inside and outside but most of all they are contributions to a person’s daily life and their goals. If one dedicates dried flowers, what is the meaning of it? Why the keychain with the symbol of New York with the Pride flag? These are signs that people can use to make it personable.

A simple altar dedicated to family via photos and artwork is simple enough. Gathering your favorite photos of them and little related mementos; altars or shrines do NOT NEED to be fancy or expensive. It is up to the person if they desire to buy precious crystals or figures related to their spiritual or religious beliefs.

This revered place can be used to pray, meditate, and ground yourself before beginning or ending your day. For those who simply wish to light a candle in front of it, that is all you need to do.

To find items to dedicate to your altar or shrine, a spiritual store is not needed to purchase these items. Simply finding flowers, and rocks from outside is enough. If there is a certain aesthetic you want to achieve, the Dollar Tree or General Store is a great place to look if on budget. Lastly, Michael’s or Joann’s (chain craft stores) are a fantastic spot as well for decorations.

Found on Instagram @thehealinggem.
Found on Instagram @thehealinggem.

A lot of people use figurines or statues for their place of worship, and they could be found at a spiritual shop near you or online via Amazon or mom and pop small store.

No pressure. Take a look around your house. Look at the places that have been given special attention and placements for your special items, where are they located and why?

People who practice their beliefs in secret tend to hide them in plain sight or in hidden spots like their closets. If that is something that is an appealing option, just be sure it is safe and secure, so fires do not happen over night if lit with candles or small lights.

Make a travel or to-go alar that can fit within your bag.
Make a travel or to-go alar that can fit within your bag.
A hidden altar in a closet place where my offerings and divination tools reside.
A hidden altar in a closet place where my offerings and divination tools reside.

Altars can be seen as this- a physical Dream Board. What do you cherish, what do you desire and what are your goals? Place the items which represent this and keep the dedication going.

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