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Quick Fix Paper Spells

Laurel Brook Lujan

24 févr. 2024

Sometimes we all need a quick fix. Why not use pens and paper to help?

Fix It Now

1.     Grab a blank piece of paper. The color of the paper needs to be considered on what you want to achieve. White works well for all spells.

2.     Choose your pen colors. Like the color of paper, the color of pens used matter to execute your spell. When in doubt, use a black pen.

3.     Write the target of your spell. This does not need to be a person’s name, it can simply be the name of a company, goal, etc. Make sure to write it in the appropriate color that you feel.

4.     Next write of the first text in another color that matches the action that needs to be taken. For example, write your Wi-Fi company’s name in the color its branded in. Then write the action on top which could be “Fix Wi-Fi today” in red to make it fast.

5.     Make sure to chant what you want at least three times as you do this. Close the chant with Moted Be and fold the paper.

6.     After, activate the paper spell via burning it, burying it or surging it in water.

7.     Then wait.

  • If submerged in water or have the burned ashes fully dispose of it.

Telling people to be quiet

If you don’t want certain people to talk about you, this is the quick spell to use.

1.     Write the person’s full name on a piece of paper.

2.     Over their name over and over write “Shhhhhhhh” so they are stopped from gossiping about you.

3.     Then activate it via burning, burying it or surging it in water. End it with “Moted Be”.

  • If submerged in water or have the burned ashes fully dispose of it.

Bring that Money to Me

1.     Grab a white or green piece of paper.

2.     Write ‘Money’ or ‘$$$ amount that you want’ in green pen.

3.     Write over it with your name on it in your favorite color.

4.     Then write a final time over the two previous text, “Bring that money to me now”. Ending it with a please, thank you and Moted Be as you activate it via burning, burying it or surging it in water.

Enjoy! Let me know if it worked for you. :)

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