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Enchanting Your Cosmetics

Laurel Brook Lujan

24 juin 2023

Have a favorite lotion lavender lotion? Use it for calming and self-love or romantic attraction. Have a favorite lipstick or contour, make it a money magnet. Even your favorite bar of soap that is made with honey will attract love and beauty into your life; try it.

Being a long time practitioner of paganism, a few things were picked up along the way including ways to enchant or charge your favorite cosmetics, lotions and other toiletries to your intentions. Have a favorite lotion lavender lotion? Use it for calming and self-love or romantic attraction. Have a favorite lipstick or contour, make it a money magnet. Even your favorite bar of soap that is made with honey will attract love and beauty into your life; try it. It is all based on the smell, pigment and how you prepare your favorite products. Some people do like to make their own but that is on you and how much dedication you want to put into it.

People have heard about making moon water, charging their crystals and other items during the moon’s phases but this can be done with your cosmetics and toiletries. Simply write down your intention, find the right phase of the moon to use and then plan to leave your items in the moon light to charge overnight.

New Moon

·        Dark works, renewal, new projects & new beginnings.

·        Beauty, health, money, new employment.

·        Cleanse objects, start new habits, cleansing baths.

First Quarter- When half of the moon is full and increasing.

Waxing Moon

·        Growth, creation, inspiration, motivation, luck.

·        Production, drawing, increasing, attraction.

·        Healing, love, luck, power, courage.

Full Moon

·        Light work, divination, psychic ability, protection, prosperity.

·        Knowledge, guidance, decision making, romance & fertility.

·        Charge objects, collect moon water to absorb the moon power.

Last Quarter- When half of the moon is full and decreasing.

Waning Moon

·        Release, removal, reversing, & repelling curses.

·        Protection, cleansing & ending relationships.

·        Letting go of things, letting the old chapters fade or ebb.

The most popular moon phase used for this is the full moon since it is known for charging by letting your objects absorbing the moon’s power. If it feels safe to put your stuff outside to catch the moon’s light, do it or you can put it in your window to stay safe but charged as well.

Found on Instagram, Creator Unknown.

 Be sure to still have fun with the other phases of the moon too because they all have their significant meanings especially when it is an important astrological alignment coming in for the month. Each year, at least for the full moons of each month they will have a special significance and why people should take advantage of the timing. Check out magicalrecipesonline via Instagram for more information.

While the products are charging, meditate or pray for what you wish to attract. Let the ideas flow and be very specific, because as people say: “You ask, and you shall receive.” The Universe can take it very literally.

After everything is charged via moon, prayer or meditation use them! Don’t use the products sparingly unless it is meant for something specific like attraction or for luck (it depends on what it is). I think most people get into the habit of making something and not using it as much as they should. Personally, the less you use the product, the more the power can diminish with less time and use.

Everything is all about intention and staying positive. Personally, I have a coffee scented lotion I use for grounding. I put it on my hands and feet before my day starts and ends to work and sleep to the smell of coffee beans to ground my energy. It is super helpful to keep things simple. Grab that favorite lotion, make it your “_______ lotion” label it and use it after the charging, meditation, and prayer.

Lujan, Laurel Brook. 2023

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